Edge Intelligence: Architectures, Challenges, and Applications





Edge intelligence refers to a set of connected systems and devices for data collection, caching, processing, and analysis proximity to where data is captured based on artificial intelligence. Edge intelligence aims at enhancing data processing and protect the privacy and security of the data and users. Although recently emerged, spanning the period from 2011 to now, this field of research has shown explosive growth over the past five years. In this paper, we present a thorough and comprehensive survey on the literature surrounding edge intelligence. We first identify four fundamental components of edge intelligence, i.e. edge caching, edge training, edge inference, and edge offloading based on theoretical and practical results pertaining to proposed and deployed systems. We then aim for a systematic classification of the state of the solutions by examining research results and observations for each of the four components and present a taxonomy that includes practical problems, adopted techniques, and application goals. For each category, we elaborate, compare and analyse the literature from the perspectives of adopted techniques, objectives, performance, advantages and drawbacks, etc. This article provides a comprehensive survey to edge intelligence and its application areas. In addition, we summarise the development of the emerging research fields and the current stateof-the-art and discuss the important open issues and possible theoretical and technical directions.


I. Introduction

With the breakthrough of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we are witnessing a booming increase in AI-based applications and services.

However, existing intelligent applications are computationintensive, which present strict requirements on resources, e.g., CPU, GPU, memory, and network, which makes it impossible to be available anytime and anywhere for end users. Although current end devices are increasingly powerful, it is still insufficient to support some deep learning models.

Moreover, existing intelligent applications generally adopt centralised data management, which requires users to upload their data to central cloud based data-centre.

However, there is giant volume of data which has been generated and collected by billions of mobile users and Internet of Thing (IoT) devices distributed at the network edge. Uploading such volume of data to the cloud consumes significant bandwidth resources, which would also result in unacceptable latency for users.

On the other hand, users increasingly concern their privacy. If mobile users upload their personal data to the cloud for a specific intelligent application, they would take the risk of privacy leakage, i.e., the personal data might be extracted by malicious hackers or companies for illegal purposes.


  1. 终端计算资源不足:现有的智能应用程序是计算密集型的,对资源提出了严格的要求。虽然目前的终端设备越来越强大,但仍然不足以支持一些深度学习模型。
  2. 集中式云计算架构高时延:现有的智能应用程序通常采用集中式数据管理,这要求用户将其数据上传到基于云的中央数据中心。然而,网络边缘的用户数量十分庞大,将如此大量的数据上传到云中会消耗大量的带宽资源,这也将导致用户无法接受的延迟。
  3. 用户隐私安全问题:如果移动用户将他们的个人数据上传到云上用于特定的智能应用,他们将承担隐私泄露的风险。

The main advantages of the edge computing paradigm could be summarised into three aspects. (i) Ultra-low latency: computation usually takes place in the proximity of the source data, which saves substantial amounts of time on data transmission. Edge servers provides nearly real-time responses to end devices. (ii) Saving energy for end devices: since end devices could offload computing tasks to edge servers, the energy consumption on end devices would significantly shrink. Consequently, the battery life of end devices would be extended. (iii) Scalability: cloud computing is still available if there are no enough resource on edge devices or edge servers. In such a case, the cloud server would help to perform tasks. In addition, end devices with idle resources could communicate amongst themselves to collaboratively finish a task. The capability of the edge computing paradigm is flexible to accommodate different application scenarios.


  1. 超低延迟:计算通常在源数据附近进行,这节省了大量数据传输时间。
  2. 为终端设备节省能源:由于终端设备可以将计算任务卸载到边缘服务器,终端设备上的能耗将大幅减少。
  3. 可扩展性:如果边缘设备或边缘服务器上没有足够的资源,云计算仍然可用。在这种情况下,云服务器将有助于执行任务。此外,拥有空闲资源的终端设备可以相互通信,以协作方式完成任务。边缘计算范式的能力是灵活的,以适应不同的应用场景。

Edge computing addresses the critical challenges of AI based applications and the combination of edge computing and AI provides a promising solution. This new paradigm of intelligence is called edge intelligence, also named mobile intelligence.


It is also worth noting that AI could also be a powerful assistance for edge computing. This paradigm is called intelligent edge, which is different from edge intelligence. The emphasis of edge intelligence is to realize intelligent applications in edge environment with the assistance of edge computing and protect users’ privacy, while intelligent edge focuses on solving problems of edge computing with AI solutions, e.g., resource allocation optimization. Intelligent edge is out of our scope in this survey.


This paper aims at providing a comprehensive survey to the development and the state-of-the-art of edge intelligence.


  • (边缘环境下的)联邦学习
  • 边缘智能深度学习模型训练与推理(包括模型设计、模型压缩和模型加速等角度)
  • 卸载策略和缓存策略

Our survey focuses on how to realise edge intelligence in a systematic way. There exist three key components in AI, i.e. data, model/algorithm, and computation. A complete process of implementing AI applications involves data collection and management, model training, and model inference. Computation plays an essential role throughout the whole process. Hence, we limit the scope of our survey on four aspects, including how to cache data to fuel intelligent applications (i.e., edge caching), how to train intelligent applications at the edge (i.e., edge training), how to infer intelligent applications at the edge (edge inference), and how to provide sufficient computing power for intelligent applications at the edge (edge offloading).


Our contributions are summarized as following:

  • We survey recent research achievements on edge intelligence and identify four key components: edge caching, edge training, edge inference, and edge offloading. For each component, we outline a systematical and comprehensive classification from a multi-dimensional view, e.g., practical challenges, solutions, optimisation goals, etc.
  • We present thorough discussion and analysis on relevant papers in the field of edge intelligence from multiple views, e.g., applicable scenarios, methodology, performance, etc. and summarise their advantages and shortcomings.
  • We discuss and summarise open issues and challenges in the implementation of edge intelligence, and outline five important future research directions and development trends, i.e., data scarcity, data consistency, adaptability of model/algorithms, privacy and security, and incentive mechanisms.


  • 作者调研了边缘智能的最新研究成果,并确定了四个关键的组成部分:边缘缓存、边缘训练、边缘推理和边缘卸载。对于每个部分,作者从多个维度概述了一个系统和全面的分类,例如,实际挑战、解决方案、优化目标等。
  • 作者从应用场景、方法论、性能等多个角度对边缘智能领域的相关论文进行了深入的讨论和分析。并总结它们的优点和缺点。
  • 作者讨论和总结了边缘智能实现中的开放问题和挑战,并概述了五个重要的未来研究方向和发展趋势,即数据稀缺性、数据一致性、模型/算法的适应性、隐私和安全以及激励机制。

II. Overview

Fig. 1. The comparison of traditional intelligence and edge intelligence from the perspective of implementation. In traditional intelligence, all data must be uploaded to a central cloud server, whilst in edge intelligence, intelligent application tasks are done at the edge with locally-generated data in a distributed manner.
Fig. 1. The comparison of traditional intelligence and edge intelligence from the perspective of implementation. In traditional intelligence, all data must be uploaded to a central cloud server, whilst in edge intelligence, intelligent application tasks are done at the edge with locally-generated data in a distributed manner.

The comparison of traditional intelligence and edge intelligence from the perspective of implementation. In traditional intelligence, all data must be uploaded to a central cloud server, whilst in edge intelligence, intelligent application tasks are done at the edge with locally-generated data in a distributed manner.


Fig. 2. The classification of edge intelligence literature.
Fig. 2. The classification of edge intelligence literature.


A. Edge Caching

Fig. 3. The illustration of edge caching. Data generated by mobile users and collected from surrounding environments is collected and stored on edge devices, micro BSs, and macro BSs. Such data is processed and analysed by intelligent algorithms to provide services for end users.
Fig. 3. The illustration of edge caching. Data generated by mobile users and collected from surrounding environments is collected and stored on edge devices, micro BSs, and macro BSs. Such data is processed and analysed by intelligent algorithms to provide services for end users.

In edge intelligence, edge caching refers to a distributed data system proximity to end users, which collects and stores the data generated by edge devices and surrounding environments, and the data received from the Internet to support intelligent applications for users at the edge.


To implement edge caching, we answer three questions: (i) what to cache, (ii) where to cache, and (iii) how to cache.


  1. 缓存什么
  2. 缓存到哪里
  3. 如何缓存

For the first problem, what to cache, we know that caching is based on the redundancy of requests. In edge caching, the collected data is inputted into intelligent applications and results are sent back to where data is cached. Hence, there are two kinds of redundancy: data redundancy and computation redundancy.


Data redundancy, also named communication redundancy, means that the inputs of an intelligent application may be the same or partially the same. For example, in continuous mobile vision analysis, there are large amounts of similar pixels between consecutive frames. Some resourceconstrained edge devices need to upload collected videos to edge servers or the cloud for further processing. With cache, edge devices only needs to upload different pixels or frames. For the repeated part, edge devices could reuse the results to avoid unnecessary computation.


Caching based on such redundancy could effectively reduce computation and accelerate the inference. Computation redundancy means that the requested computing tasks of intelligent applications may be the same. For example, an edge server provides image recognition services for edge devices. The recognition tasks from the same context may be the same, e.g., the same tasks of flower recognition from different users of the same area. Edge servers could directly send the recognition results achieved previously back to users. Such kind of caching could significantly decrease computation and execution time.


For the second problem, where to cache, existing works mainly focus on three places to deploy caches: macro BSs, micro BSs, and edge devices.

Since the storage capacity of macro BSs, micro BSs, and edge devices is limited, the content replacement must be considered. Works on this problem focus on designing replacement policies to maximise the service quality.


B. Edge Training

Fig. 4. The illustration of edge training. The model/algorithm is trained either on a single device (solo training), or by the collaboration of edge devices (collaborative training) with training sets cached at the edge. Acceleration module speeds up the training, whilst the optimisation module solves problems in training, e.g., update frequency, update cost, and privacy and security issues. Uncertainty estimates module controls the uncertainty in training.
Fig. 4. The illustration of edge training. The model/algorithm is trained either on a single device (solo training), or by the collaboration of edge devices (collaborative training) with training sets cached at the edge. Acceleration module speeds up the training, whilst the optimisation module solves problems in training, e.g., update frequency, update cost, and privacy and security issues. Uncertainty estimates module controls the uncertainty in training.

Edge training refers to a distributed learning procedure that learns the optimal values for all the weights and bias, or the hidden patterns based on the training set cached at the edge.

Different from traditional centralised training procedures on powerful servers or computing clusters, edge training usually occurs on edge servers or edge devices, which are usually not as powerful as centralised servers or computing clusters.


Hence, in addition to the problem of training set (caching), four key problems should be considered for edge training: (i) how to train (the training architecture), (ii) how to make the training faster (acceleration), (iii) how to optimise the training procedure (optimisation), and (iv) how to estimate the uncertainty of the model output (uncertainty estimates).


  1. 如何训练(训练架构)
  2. 如何使训练更快(加速)
  3. 如何优化训练过程(优化)
  4. 如何估计模型输出的不确定性(不确定性估计)

For the first problem, researchers design two training architectures: solo training and collaborative training. Solo training means training tasks are performed on a single device, without assistance from others, whilst collaborative training means that multiple devices cooperate to train a common model/algorithm. Since solo training has a higher requirement on the hardware, which is usually unavailable, most existing literature focuses on collaborative training architectures.


Different from centralised training paradigms, in which powerful CPUs and GPUs could guarantee a good result with a limited training time, edge training is much slower. Some researchers pay attention to the acceleration of edge training. Corresponding to training architecture, works on training acceleration are divided into two categories: acceleration for solo training, and collaborative training.


Solo training is a closed system, in which only iterative computation on single devices is needed to get the optimal parameters or patterns. In contrast, collaborative training is based on the cooperation of multiple devices, which requires periodic communication for updating. Update frequency and update cost are two factors which affect the performance of communication efficiency and training result. Researchers on this area mainly focus on how to maintain the performance of the model/algorithm with lower update frequency, and update cost. In addition, the public nature of collaborative training is vulnerable to malicious users. There is also some literature which focuses on the privacy and security issues.


In DL training, the output results may be erroneously interpreted as model confidence. Estimating uncertainty is easy on traditional intelligence, whilst it is resource-consuming for edge training. Some literature pays attention to this problem and proposes various kinds of solutions to reduce computation and energy consumption.


C. Edge Inference

Fig. 5. The illustration of edge inference. AI models/algorithms are designed either by machines or humans. Models could be further compressed through compression technologies: low-rank approximation, network pruning, compact layer design, parameter quantisation, and knowledge distillation. Hardware and software solutions are used to accelerate the inference with input data.
Fig. 5. The illustration of edge inference. AI models/algorithms are designed either by machines or humans. Models could be further compressed through compression technologies: low-rank approximation, network pruning, compact layer design, parameter quantisation, and knowledge distillation. Hardware and software solutions are used to accelerate the inference with input data.

Edge inference is the stage where a trained model/algorithm is used to infer the testing instance by a forward pass to compute the output on edge devices and servers.


Most existing AI models are designed to be implemented on devices which have powerful CPUs and GPUs, this is not applicable in an edge environment. Hence, the critical problems of employing edge inference are: (i) how to make models applicable for their deployment on edge devices or servers (design new models, or compress existing models), and (ii) how to accelerate edge inference to provide real-time responses.


  1. 如何使模型适用于它们在边缘设备或服务器上的部署(设计新模型,或压缩现有模型)
  2. 如何加速边缘推断以提供实时响应

For the problem of how to make models applicable for the edge environment, researchers mainly focus on two research directions: design new models/algorithms that have less requirements on the hardware, naturally suitable for edge environments, and compress existing models to reduce unnecessary operation during inference. For the first direction, there are two ways to design new models: let machines themselves design optimal models, i.e., architecture search; and human-invented architectures with the application of depth-wise separable convolution and group convolution.


For the second direction, i.e., model compression, researchers focus on compressing existing models to obtain thinner and smaller models, which are more computation- and energy-efficient with negligible or even no loss on accuracy. There are five commonly used approaches on model compression: low-rank approximation, knowledge distillation, compact layer design, network pruning, and parameter quantisation.


Similar to edge training, edge devices and servers are not as powerful as centralised servers or computing clusters. Hence, edge inference is much slower. Some literature focuses on solving this problem by accelerating edge inference. There are two commonly used acceleration approaches: hardware acceleration and software acceleration. Literature on hardware acceleration mainly focuses on the parallel computing which is available as hardware on devices, e.g., CPU, GPU, and DSP. Literature on software acceleration focus on optimising resource management, pipeline design, and compilers, based on compressed models.


D. Edge Offloading

Fig. 6. The illustration of edge offloading. Edge offloading is located at the bottom layer in edge intelligence, which provides computing services for edge caching, edge training, and edge inference. The computing architecture includes D2C, D2E, D2D, and hybrid computing.
Fig. 6. The illustration of edge offloading. Edge offloading is located at the bottom layer in edge intelligence, which provides computing services for edge caching, edge training, and edge inference. The computing architecture includes D2C, D2E, D2D, and hybrid computing.

As a necessary component of edge intelligence, edge offloading refers to a distributed computing paradigm, which provides computing service for edge caching, edge training, and edge inference. If a single edge device does not have enough resource for a specific edge intelligence application, it could offload application tasks to edge servers or other edge devices.

Edge offloading layer transparently provides computing services for the other three components of edge intelligence. In edge offloading, Offloading strategy is of utmost importance, which should give full play to the available resources in edge environment.



Available computing resources are distributed in cloud servers, edge servers, and edge devices. Correspondingly, existing literature mainly focuses on four strategies: device-to-cloud (D2C) offloading, device-to-edge server (D2E) offloading, device-to-device (D2D) offloading, and hybrid offloading. Works on the D2C offloading strategy prefer to leave pre-processing tasks on edge devices and offload the rest of the tasks to a cloud server, which could significantly reduce the amount of uploaded data and latency. Works on D2E offloading strategy, also adopt such operation, which could further reduce latency and the dependency on cellular network. Most works on D2D offloading strategy focus on smart home scenarios, where IoT devices, smartwatches and smartphones collaboratively perform training/inference tasks. Hybrid offloading schemes have the strongest ability of adaptiveness, which makes the most of all the available resources.


  • D2C:边缘设备卸载到云服务器
  • D2E:边缘设备卸载到边缘服务器
  • D2D:边缘设备卸载到边缘设备
  • hybrid offloading:混合卸载

E. Summary

Fig. 7. Publication volume over time. These curves show the trend of publication volume in edge caching, edge training, edge computing, edge inference, and edge intelligence, respectively.
Fig. 7. Publication volume over time. These curves show the trend of publication volume in edge caching, edge training, edge computing, edge inference, and edge intelligence, respectively.

In our survey, we identify four key components of edge intelligence, i.e. edge caching, edge training, edge inference, and edge offloading. Edge intelligence shows an explosive developing trend with a huge amount of researcher have been carried out to investigate and realise edge intelligence over the past five years. We count the publication volume of edge intelligence.


Such prosperity of this research filed owes to the following three reasons.

First, it is the booming development of intelligent techniques, e.g., deep learning and machine learning techniques that provides a theoretical foundation for the implementation of edge intelligence.

Second, the increasing big data distributed at the edge, which fuels the performance of edge intelligence.

Third, the maturing of edge computing systems, and peoples’ increasing demand on smart life facilitate the implementation of edge intelligence.


  1. 智能技术的蓬勃发展,例如深度学习和机器学习技术,为边缘智能的实现提供了理论基础。
  2. 分布在边缘的大数据越来越多,这推动了边缘智能的性能。
  3. 边缘计算系统的成熟,以及人们对智能生活需求的增加,促进了边缘智能的实现。
至此,本文的概述结束。后面的各大章节 Session 则是对 Overview 的扩充,因此我在这里只写每个 Session 的标题。未来如有详细了解的需要,会继续进行补充。

III. Edge Caching

A. Preliminary of Caching

B. Cache Deployment

C. Cache Replacement

IV. Edge Training

A. Training Architecture

B. Training Acceleration

C. Training Optimisation

D. Uncertainty Estimates

E. Applications

V. Edge Inference

A. Model Design

B. Model Compression

C. Inference Acceleration

VI. Edge Offloading

A. D2C Offloading Strategy

B. D2E Offloading Strategy

C. D2D Offloading Strategy

D. Hybrid Offloading

E. Applications

VII. Future Directions and Open Challenges

A. Data Scarcity at Edge

B. Data Consistency on Edge Devices

C. Bad Adaptability of Statically Trained Model

D. Privacy and Security Issues

E. Incentive Mechanism

VIII. Conclusions

Bowen Zhou
Bowen Zhou
Student pursuing a PhD degree of Computer Science and Technology

My research interests include Edge Computing and Edge Intelligence.